Current Calls

Photo Friday: the weekly photo challenge, new theme is listed  here - join by blogging a photo and then adding the photo link to their list. Also, there is Skywatch Friday: a weekly photo challenge with a focus on skies. And there is the Wordpress weekly photo challenge, current themes are listed: here

F-Stop Magazine: guidelines

(the calls are roughly sorted by deadline)

ModPo-Call for crowdsourced poetry discussion videos: the online course ModPo (Modern Poetry) introdues a new project page and invites videos of  poetry discussions, 2 samples and guidelines are online here: ModPo collaborative close readings

Litro next theme issue:  Litro submit page for the full list.

7 Continents, 7 Billion People, 7 Books - Reading Challenge 2015: The idea of this reading challenge is to explore the world by books from different continents and countries, and by visiting various world lists while planning the reads, to encounter the one or other unknown angle and fact about our world. The challenge will run from Jan 1, 2016 – Dec 31, 2016, you can start wherever / whenever you want. Website: 7 Continents, 7 Billion People, 7 Books - Reading Challenge 2016

some general reasding/writing  links:

Literary hashtags on Twitter: from #amreading to  #writingprompt. also: #bookstorebingo and many more

#readwomen: it started with an article in the Guardian which went viral and turned into a hashtag: #readwomen. Here are some collected readwomen links, including the link to the original article, book lists, and related features.

The Books They Gave Me is a tumblr blog that reflects on books given us by lovers and loved ones. "Send us your stories of books given and books received! Everyone wants to read them." Guidelines

Reprint Poetry is an online magazine, it provides an additional home to previously published poems that deserve to be read again. The editors are particularly interested in works that are already published but difficult to find. Guidelines.

The Riveter -a magazine that aims to close the gender byline gap, one riveting story at a time - is inviting longform pieces written by women; from timely investigative works to poignant personal narratives. More + guidelines:

Foliate Oak Literary Magazine is open for submissions of art, photography, fiction, creative non-fiction, and poetry for the next issue: Guidelines.